萨利希人的家族 & 库特奈部落拥有的企业

赛利希语 & 库特奈部落

S&K技术 is owned by 的CSKT on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Northwestern Montana. S产生的收入&K技术 is infused into the community through 的CSKT Tribal General Fund, 是什么资助了保留区的许多社会项目.

赛利希语 & 库特奈部落

S&K技术 is owned by 的CSKT on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Northwestern Montana. S产生的收入&K技术 is infused into the community through 的CSKT Tribal General Fund, 是什么资助了保留区的许多社会项目.



传统 & 管理

The Flathead Indian Reservation is home to three tribes, 萨利什语(Se æ lisi), 库特奈(Ksanka), 和Kalispel (Qĺispe)人. The territories of these three tribes covered all of western Montana and extended into parts of Idaho, 英属哥伦比亚, 和怀俄明州. The Hellgate Treaty of 1855 established the Flathead Reservation, but over half a million acres passed out of Tribal ownership during land allotment that began in 1904.

The subsistence patterns of our Tribal people developed over generations of observation, 实验, 以及与自然世界的精神互动, creating a body of knowledge about the environment closely tied to seasons, 位置, 和生物学. This way of life was suffused with rich oral history and a spiritual tradition in which people respected the animals, 植物, 以及自然环境的其他元素. 通过向我们的长辈学习,教导我们的孩子, 这些部落的生活方式一直延续至今.




新技术 & 受教育机会

萨里什库特奈学院 is an accredited and certified American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC), 少数民族高等教育学院. SKC stands as an institution that takes their own traditional values and applies them to modern day 教育. 的年代alish and Kootenai tribes worked with early settlers, 牧师, and scientists in identifying many of Western Montana’s 植物 and wildlife. 今天, SKC offers a diverse course catalogue that ties traditional learning with modern day teachings.

In 2012, SKC teamed with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to create CubeSats; tiny satellites that were brought into space by NASA for University research. SKC developed their own CubeSat called “BisonSat” or “Nwist Qʷiq̓ʷáy,,在萨利希语中的意思是“上面的水牛”.“BisonSat是太阳能驱动的,包含一个收音机. SKC also designed a camera for it to transmit data back to SKC. The data consisted of atmospheric aerosols, cloud formation, and hydrologic processes. The BisonSat was launched into space in 2015 and transmitted data back to SKC’s ground station.



萨利希联盟 and Kootenai Tribes (Official Website)



Providing public 教育 on aspects of traditional lifestyles and histories of 赛利希语的, 使悬而不决d 'Oreille, 和库特奈人.


We are a large government with business ventures and projects all run under the guidance of our traditional values.


Quality post-secondary 教育al opportunities for Native Americans


Dedicated to holistically preserving the language and perpetuating 赛利希语的 way of life and worldview.

Se´lisei Qĺispe´文化委员会

的年代alish-使悬而不决d 'Oreille 文化 Committee seeks to 保存, protect and perpetuate the living culture and traditional way of life of our people.


我们的使命是保护, 保存, 使语言永久化并得到提升, culture and traditional lifestyles of the Kootenai people.


The Official News Publication of the Flathead Indian Reservation




自古以来, 赛利希语的, 问ĺ哲学̓, 和库特奈人 lived in balance with nature in a sometimes challenging environment. 人们依靠猎人猎取大型猎物, 像野牛, 作为宝贵的食物资源, 避难所, 服装, 工具, 还有仪式圣礼. The tribes respected the buffalo, and thanks were given to the buffalo for the continued subsistence. Many rituals and songs are about giving thanks to the buffalo. The Tribes in those times would generally go on bi-annual 野牛 hunts, 在冬天和夏天, 在平原上. These hunts were critical to the vitality of the Tribes for the reminder of the year. The hunts were often a dangerous endeavor due to potentially encountering enemy tribes, 可能出现的恶劣天气情况, or the inherent danger of hunting a large herd of 野牛. The hunters were accompanied by others in the Tribe who would be responsible for butchering and drying the meat for easier transport and storage for the trek back home. 野牛皮被制作成衣服和帐篷盖.

今天 the 不言而喻赛利希语 和库特奈部落(CSKT) help maintain the National Bison Range with the U.S. 鱼类及野生动物管理局. The National Bison Range is a National Wildlife Refuge for the buffalo, as well as many other species of wild animals such as antelope, 鹿, 美洲狮. The Bison Range is one of the oldest wildlife refuges in America. The Bison Range is about 18,800 acres of grazing land located a few miles from the S&K总部办事处. It also contains many great views of the entire Reservation.

今天 in modern times, the Tribes still need resources to function. 在这个意义上,S&K技术 helps provide resources for the Tribes much like those hunters did long ago. We have our “Hunters” in business development and bids and proposals. We have our administrative and financial staff that help deal with the day-to-day business of S&K技术 in order to assure a successful hunt much like the people who processed the 野牛 into food, 服装, 和住所. 就像很久以前的那些日子一样,S&K技术 and the family of LLC’s, have a critical role in the hunt. The success of the companies and their substantial dividends has led to S&K技术 and all of the LLC’s becoming one of the most significant “hunting parties” for 的CSKT, through the hard work and dedication of all of the staff.

伟德体育app登录. 展望未来.